Hey there!
I figured I would do this again. From my analytics you all seem to enjoy this type of post. So, here you go. Thank me for it.
- Where are you from and are you proud of it? ATL, hell yeah! 🙂
- Do you love playing any sports, or just watching it? Yes, I enjoy playing volleyball.
- Which one is better, Basketball or Baseball? Basketball
- Who is your favorite person in modern history? It’s hard to pick just one person, but celebrity wise I’m quite fond of Samuel L. Jackson.
- Which one you prefer, Daft punk or Gorillaz? Hmmm, hard choice, but have to go with Daft Punk.
- Do you love animals, if yes then which one you love most? Cats cats catsssssss. Yes, I love animals.
- What is your favorite mixed alcoholic drink? Mojito
- What is your most favorite scene from movies? Anytime they drop some life knowledge.
- If you love snakes, which one is your favorite? I recently held a texas rat snake (white). I love snakes now <3
- Do you love music? Which genre is your favorite? Yes. I listen to whatever feeds my mood at the time.
- Which one is your favorite: Old school rap or today’s new age rappers? I like the new age sound better overall. But, old school rap tends to have richer content.
- What is your favorite number and please tell us, why? The number two. For me, it represents the most sacred bond and creation.
- Have you ever been to any bridges? Do you like bridges? Yes, all kinds. They can be peaceful, a good place to think and meet people.
- Do you have fear of anything? If it’s not secret, please tell us what you fear the most? I used to have fears until I discovered that it’s all in your mind really.
- Where are you working right now? Japan
- Have you ever dreamed of being a successful lawyer? Yes, actually. I dreamed of being one of those ruthless, blood-sucking lawyers. But, I prefer not to be that way, LOL.
- Which actor is your favorite, Al Pacino or Robert De Niro? I don’t really care…
- Where do you want to travel? Wherever the food is good.
- Which ocean is your favorite and why? I love the Pacific and Indian ocean. Been in both and the water is soothing to me.
- Have you ever been to Europe? Where? Nah, but one day!
- Do you love history? Did you have high grades in history classes? I do love learning about history. Unfortunately, all my history professors tended to be boring. I usually passed with a B or low A.
- Who is your favorite king in the world’s history? The only king I have been fond of is King Bhumibol of Thailand. He did a lot for his country, I respect that.
- Which one do you prefer, George Washington or Thomas Jefferson? Meh.
- Which one is your favorite, Barack Obama or George Bush? Both funny in their own way… but I’m not one to favorite politicians.
- Do you believe that Trump will make America great again? Someone does.
- Which candidate was your favorite during the latest US Presidential elections? No one.
- What do you think about Russia’s Leader Putin? He’ll pull up on you quick, LOL.
- How do you describe yourself? GODDESS
- Can you describe yourself in just 3 words? I would never limit myself to three words.
- What are the most powerful 3 words that changed your life? Just be yourself.
- Who you admire the most, mother or father? I admire them both for their unique qualities.
- Do you have siblings? How many? 2
- Are you a technology lover, if not, why? Yesssss.
- What do you prefer, Windows or Mac? Mac
- Which brand is your favorite, Apple or Samsung? Samsung
- Which Operational system’s user you are, IOs or Android? Both
- Who is the most valuable person in the Tech world, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? Come on now…
- How do you feel right now? Amazingggg
- Who is your favorite comedy movie actor? Steve Carell
- Do you know where will be your career in 10 years? $$$$$$$$$ money bags!
- Do you love your work and is this your dream work? Yes, I do. The benefits of my job and the creative aspect is my dream.
- What is your favorite moment from childhood? Summers with my cousins.
- Which is your favorite animal and why? I love cats.
- Do you have pets, cats or dogs? I had a cat, he no longer lives with me.
- Do you love fishing, if yes then why? Never been, but open to it.
- Which is your favorite Burger and why? I love many different ones! My taste buds like variety.
- Which one you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? Meh.